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This listing is for the DEVOTIONAL BOOKLET ONLY, and does not include any other elements or digital content from the kit.
This devotional was released with the kit for October 2024.
Written by Tom Hicks
Delivered to the Saints
What does it mean to believe correctly? There is a big “churchy” word for this: orthodoxy. We get this word from the Greek word “orthos,” which means “correct,” and “doxa,” which means “belief.” So the word “orthodoxy” literally means “correct belief.” Another churchy word to know is the word “doctrine.” This word originates from the Latin word "doctrina," which means "teaching" or "instruction." So “orthodox doctrine” would be the teaching of correct beliefs.
Therefore, Christian orthodoxy are the essential doctrines and beliefs that have been held by the Christian church since its inception. But some may ask, “Who determines orthodoxy? Is there an orthodoxy committee?" No, there is no committee. There was no one group of people that decided what Christians are to believe. We received these truths from our incarnate God and through His apostles. This faith was delivered to the first church and passed to the next. We have received this faith and will pass it to the next generation. These foundational beliefs are non-negotiable for orthodox Christian faith. To not believe in these truths is to not be a Christian. History is replete with heresies that began by denying one or more of these tenets.
In this study we will review a number of these key beliefs to ensure that we have an orthodox understanding of the faith that was once for all Delivered to the Saints. And who are the saints? All Christian believers are saints! That is who we are.